
Playing Forever: Lifelong Athletics and Embodied Joy with Photographer Alex Rotas and Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Kevin Stone

Lifelong Athletics: Women Who Play Forever

Dear Rosies, In this inspiring episode of The Rose Woman Podcast, we welcome two extraordinary guests: acclaimed photographer Alex Rotas and renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Stone. Together, they explore the themes of redefining aging,

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The Soul of Business at CIIS

A Panel Conversation on Awakening Ventures and Work (March 31, 2021) Panelists Christine Marie Mason is a six-time founder and CEO, with a deep interest in women’s wellness and the liberation of all people. She

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Nine Gifts Launch Recap!

Thank you! Here’s the full replay! Thank you for joining us to celebrate the launch of the book. We are grateful to our friends and allies for lending their time and talents to the event,

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Mystic Spring Practice (3/4): Saturday

Opening: 0 to 1:29; Stretch and Breathe: 1:30 to 5:02; The Story and Meditation Prompts: 5:03 to 10:00 Opening: 0 to 1:29 Adam, I just wanted to tell you that the first text I opened

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Mystic Spring (2/4) Good Friday

Practice 2 of four consecutive days for Easter. Gathering of friends for holy weekend practice. Seeds for meditation: Standing in the face of injustice. Forgiveness. Mercy. Psalms. The million deaths, the infinite rebirth. Meditation: communing

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