The Soul of Business at CIIS
A Panel Conversation on Awakening Ventures and Work (March 31, 2021) Panelists Christine Marie Mason is a six-time founder and CEO, with a deep interest in women’s wellness and the liberation of all people. She
A Panel Conversation on Awakening Ventures and Work (March 31, 2021) Panelists Christine Marie Mason is a six-time founder and CEO, with a deep interest in women’s wellness and the liberation of all people. She
Thank you! Here’s the full replay! Thank you for joining us to celebrate the launch of the book. We are grateful to our friends and allies for lending their time and talents to the event,
Opening: 0 to 1:29; Stretch and Breathe: 1:30 to 5:02; The Story and Meditation Prompts: 5:03 to 10:00 Opening: 0 to 1:29 Adam, I just wanted to tell you that the first text I opened
Practice 2 of four consecutive days for Easter. Gathering of friends for holy weekend practice. Seeds for meditation: Standing in the face of injustice. Forgiveness. Mercy. Psalms. The million deaths, the infinite rebirth. Meditation: communing
Gathering of friends for holy weekend practice. Seeds for meditation: Some thoughts on passover, easter, the mystic christ- what these stories hold for us as interspiritual, interbeings. Meditation: communing and listening. Conversation and close. Opening:
We use the liminal time between sleep and wake to align our insides with the world we want to create.
Hi everyone. This little 15 minute video is me reading aloud from The Invitation. It’s on women’s sensuality and anatomy and self love and lots of other things. XO
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