Feel Yourself: Interoception. Connection and the Mind as the Body, with Saga Briggs

In today’s episode, we are joined by Saga Briggs. She’s an accomplished freelance journalist, known for her thought-provoking articles on the intriguing intersections of interoception and psychedelics. Listen in for a captivating conversation with Saga as we uncover the intricate links between our minds and bodies, offering practical tips for developing heightened body awareness.

In this episode, we cover the following: 

  • How to Change Your Body” title explained.
  • What is Interoception?
  • What leads us to disconnection?
  • Can we predict our bodies?
  • Mental health and body health concepts.
  • What is Kama Muta?
  • What are other reconnection practices?
  • Thoughts on using different psychedelics.
  • Decolonizing the body.
  • Authenticity as a cure for disembodiment.
  • How to develop awareness of your body?

Saga Briggs is a freelance journalist. Her articles on interoception and psychedelics have been published by Scientific American, Aeon+Psyche, and DoubleBlind Magazine. She is a former editor for the MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Science and former managing editor of InformED, a digital magazine connecting teachers and students with trends in educational psychology. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, she moved to Berlin in 2018 on a gut feeling and continues to move that way.

“How to Change Your Body provides an enlightening discourse on the missing piece of the mind-body relationship — our need for social connection. 

Emerging from a written article for the MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Science, this book combines expert interviews from leading institutions around the world such as Johns Hopkins and Oxford, independent research and lived experience, connecting the dots of three timely themes: interoception, psychedelics, and mental health.”

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