Dear Rosies,
Well, that’s me up there, snuggling up to two women I adore, one a “quantum medic” and the other a professional healer of heartbreak. We are looking particularly Southern California in this picture, because we are perched at sunset over the Pacific in Encinitas, and coming off of a conversation on how to uplift each other, how to live without judgment and make wrong, what it would mean to walk around as embodied love. They say that we’re the average of the five people closest to us. When I am with people like this, I feel like I can move mountains. How about you?!
So, I just taught a long Bhakti Vinyasa yoga class, enjoying the sweet connection of all the students coming and going. There’s nothing like the energy of someone who has just invested 90 minutes in breathing as deeply as they can, stretching and sweating, meditating and chanting and resting. It’s like they have had a full soul shower. Any fear and tension is gone, at least for a little while. When we greet each other from that place, it’s a love fest. Energetic hygiene helps us live from love.
Another personal thing I wanted to share this week: what’s happened with my impromptu collective art project. A couple of weeks ago, you might remember, inspired by a vision, I went into my backyard and wove this giant dreamcatcher. I had to push it over the carport to get it into the front of the house and a neighbor helped me hang it on the redwoods, facing the canyon. I put out a tray of cards and ribbons and markers and invited people to tie on their dreams and wishes.
And they did! You can see some of the cards in the image below. The messages were almost all a dream of peace, love, healing for others, wholeness and music, written in many languages. This is who most of us are- we are leaning into love, we are generous, we are kind, we care about the earth and all of its inhabitants. We don’t want violence and separation – we want to celebrate this life in a body, we want freedom. There are no “others”.
My wish today is that each person find or create a pod of loving, uplifting, empowering joyful people. That we commit to making beauty together, and to crafting a world that works for everyone. And that when we forget, as we all sometimes so, that we show up to remind each other of who we really are underneath the noise and confusion.
All love,
Christine Marie Mason
Founder, Rosebud Woman
Host The Rose Woman Podcast on Love and Liberation