The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you

Don’t go back to sleep!

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep!

People are going back and forth
across the doorsill

where the two worlds touch,

The door is round and open

Don’t go back to sleep!
― Rumi

Dear Rosies,

Happy Autumn Equinox (which is right now! 5:24 am on the pacific coast of the United States!). For a precious moment everything is in balance. I notice the echoes of “back to school” in my bodymind: I’m staring at a bushel of just-picked pears to put up, have begrudgingly ditched the flip-flops and pulled out the suede boots, and am resetting my intentions. How about you?

One thing I’ve learned at this point in life is that if my goals are murky and vague or inconsistent, the results in my life will be murky and vague and inconsistent. The more precise my desires and intentions are, the greater the likelihood of them crystallizing in material reality. This isn’t magical thinking: by defining our desires with specificity, we train our eyes to notice synchronicity and seize the right chances as they appear. 

One caveat: if I’m saying one thing aloud, but holding inner doubt or disbelief, the frequency field of my deepest held beliefs always trumps the words I’m putting out as goals or intentions. So, be bold in continuing to look deeply and honestly inward, to melting the ice around stuck bits! 

The practice of manifesting desires is always to move toward more integrity, consonance, and wholeness- where what you desire, believe and intend are in alignment. Where your mind and your heart and your body speak with one mouth.

Sometimes it takes courage to be vulnerable, to ask for what we want Do I even dare to ask for what I really want? or have I already somewhere inside myself kind of given up and said “what’s the point”? …and then maybe a little more courage to remain open and trust in the unexpected ways the response may manifest.

To the magic that’s possible when we let your deepest desires be clarified and spoken, and the even greater magic that unfolds when we have the courage to ask for them.

All love,


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