Dear Rosies,

I told some hard truths this week in my personal life, and heard some also. But rather than pain, what I got back was a huge burst of energy and joy. Can you relate? A friend of mine says that the appliance that uses the most energy in the house is the freezer, and that’s the way it is with secrets and suppressed knowing: it takes a lot of energy to keep it in deep freeze. The anxiety, fear, or the effort to maintain a facade, depletes and disconnects us from our true selves.

When we tell the truth—whether to ourselves or others—we free up the energy that was previously bound up in suppression. The burden lifts, and we get increased vitality, clarity, and a deeper connection to our authentic self. We align our inner and outer worlds, reduce cognitive dissonance, invite deeper intimacy and trust, and more genuine connection. 

There are times when telling the truth out loud to others can sometimes be unsafe (think abusive relationships, in certain workplaces, being fully honest could lead to career setbacks or retaliation, some legal and political contexts, eg whistleblowers). So we can be discerning in knowing when it’s safe to tell the truth and when it might not be- some things come ripe when they are ready.

At the very least, we can strive to be honest with ourselves, even if challenges our self concept. This inner honesty points us to wholeness and ease in every area of our lives. And the older we get, the more important it is to live in more and more truth and clarity.

Thank you for being committed to walking in the beauty way, to loving yourself and others and this gorgeous earth, and to making the future we want to live in– respectful and reverent, starting with our own bodies.

All love,


Christine Marie Mason

Founder, Rosebud Woman

Host, the rose woman podcast on love and liberation
Anoint Nourishing Body Oil by Rosebud Woman- 5 Star Skin
Join me Live in California in the coming weeks:
Sunday, September 8 at ElevateHER‌in Oxnard, CA (Embrace your Inner Radiance) ($149)
Sunday, September 15, at Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, CA (Peri and Menopause and Beyond for Yogis) ($45)
Rosebud Woman stands for respect and reverence. We are a utter yes for the bodily autonomy of all people, for a culture of joy and celebration, for mutuality with earth and for the separation of government and religion.  

We respect all of our embodiment, including and especially the shamed parts. We encourage people to have a look inside themselves, and to dig out any limiting cultural beliefs that would reduce any person’s wholeness, magnificence or freedom. In women, cultural judgement is often related to some aspect of how she uses her biological reproductive capacity- for example, sexual choices, relationship status, or parental status- and, again, in the case of women these beliefs are too often used to judge her, limit her, or regulate her freedoms. These ideas sit on thousands of years of western culture. They aren’t true, and they aren’t helpful. We commit to a world with more joy and more mutuality. 
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