This 9 minute meditation for a spouse, lover, partner or beloved is being released as a Valentine’s Day gift, but it’s meant to be used any time. It’s part of a prescription thought series: meditation, invocation and affirmative incantation. It’s best done laying down, for multiple days in a row.
Here is the download, it’s free, just enter your email to receive a download link:
The short mantra to copy and post where you will see it goes like this:
“My heart is open to you. I allow what is new and now between us to emerge. Actively loving you is my conscious daily practice and joy.”
The full text is here:
Whether you’re walking of sitting, roll your shoulders back to open your chest and heart, and drop into deep rhythmic breathing. Inhale deeply, exhale long and even and round and steady.
Begin to picture your partner or your spouse or lover. See them in a variety of situations, ages, moods. Smiling and laughing. Cranky. Elegant. Goofy. See them at work. Recall a tender moment, a moment of love or passion, a moment of mutual support, a moment when you were absolutely in love with them, a moment or pride, a moment of vulnerability. Breathe into these visions as they travel across your mind. Add your own images. Use their name if you can as this meditative prayer progresses.
Meditation for my lover
My dear and beloved.
My heart is open to you. I allow what is new and now between us to emerge. Actively loving you is my conscious daily practice and joy.
I see you as the child you were, an innocent born into the world, eyes wide open. I see you growing into a young man or woman, adapting to what the world showed you, to how you were taught to behave, to what you are rewarded for, to traumas and to love and to lack thereof. I see you on the day we met, and when we coupled. I see you now, today, just as you are, with all your gifts and foibles, your perfect imperfections, your patterns and your armor, your possibility and your dreams, your fears and vulnerabilities. I love you there, just as you are. I see your inner nature is love and infinite possibility. Recognizing that human relationships are layered, I release any judgements about you and set you free to be yourself. I want nothing from you. I release old stories of you. I see your highest possibility. I ascribe the best intentions to you. I allow there to be mystery.
My heart is open to you. I allow what is new and now between us to emerge. Actively loving you is my conscious daily practice and joy.
I take full responsibility for my own happiness, to like and love myself, and not rely on you to make me happy. My joy comes from within. I work on my emotions and capacities, so that I am steady inside and true to myself, while simultaneously being receptive to you. I make it a practice to uplift you today, and to give you safe passage in my mind and heart. I appreciate you for the specific actions you take and I tell you so. I act in small and large ways to show you you are cared for. I speak well of you to others, especially to our children. I laugh with you and play with you and make time together a priority. I am interested in the world and share with you what I learn. I lay down my gifts at your feet, share what I see, ask what you think. I will tell my truth to you and trust you with it. These are just some examples, my love in action shifts with what is arising each moment.
My heart is open to you. I allow what is new and now between us to emerge. Actively loving you is my conscious daily practice and joy.
We make a third body. I will hold a vision for us to become a strong container for each other, to be the best friends we can be, to be of equal and mutual support in making our way in the world. We collaborate well, we bring our light to the world, we bring our love to the world. We are a force for good in the world. There is nothing we can’t handle together.
My heart is open to you. I allow what is new and now between us to emerge. Actively loving you is my conscious daily practice and joy.
Thank you, I love you. My heart is open to you.
Thank you, I love you.
Thank you. My heart is open to you.
I love you. Thank you.
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