Hello everyone,

As I gather myself together after three months on the road, settling into my little goatshed/cabin at Sundari to write, I find the theme of rebirth and resilience keeps coming up. No matter what, love anyway. This week I am doing a catchup letter- on serializing The Nine Lives of Woman, as well as the podcast’s recent highlights.

On a practical note, I have some upcoming presentations in May at the Holomovement Wave Event in Ibiza, and in June at the American Association of Sexuality Educators conference in St. Louis – join these online or in-person.

For those ready to do deep personal work in a safe and growth-oriented container, save the dates for our “Mantra, Tantra, Ayahuasca” based gatherings January 4-10, 2025 in Bali and April 4-11, 2025 in Southern California. The July 2024 date is sold out. Depending on travel, we may add another October 2024 date in Sothern California.

Next post, I will return to the main body of new work here. Promise.

All love, Christine

Nine Lives of Woman serializing at Rosebud

I’m serializing my last (previously unpublished) book The Nine Lives of Woman: Sensual, Sexual and Reproductive Stages from Birth to 100 at Rosewoman.com. The content of Nine Lives combines narrative and research, and is reflective of current challenges, technologies and choices. It’s for anyone who wants to deeply understand a framework for this important biological foundation for 51% of the world’s population.

The book begins with three stages focused on developmental awakening: Foundation (birth to menarche), Awakening (menarche to intercourse) and Sovereignty (intercourse to reproductive intent). The second grouping is aimed at midlife: Matrescence (reproductive intent to perimenopause), Seque (perimenopause to active menopause) and Metamorphosis (active menopause). The last three stages (all post-menopause) are the Free PeriodGlide and Resolution. Each has different brain, body and social markers.

From the introduction:

A Vision: In the future, all stages of a woman’s life will be celebrated and understood. Women and girls will know their worthiness and their capacity. We will revel in the wonder of our bodies, and enjoy bearing and raising children in choice. These choices will be respected by the organizations we run, and those in which we work. We will play sensually and sexually in deeply satisfying ways until the desire to do so departs (very late in our lives, ideally). We will be embodied, happy, and sovereign. We will connect with men (and/or other women) who are embodied, happy, and sovereign. We will be free of shame, and positively connected into our desires. Everyone will express her or his individual gifts in an environment where all people get to be strong and self-possessed, and all people get to be receptive—regardless of their gender. We will have mass acceptance of the unique fingerprint of each person’s sexual identity and sexual preference.Each person will recognize the other as a spark of their consciousness, regardless of how they express their feelings and ideas.

Notifications for this series will go out on email from the Rosebud channel, and on Rosebud’s Instagram.

he Rose Woman Podcast Q1 highlights

The Rose Woman Podcast: We’re having such gorgeous conversations on Love and Liberation. It’s a 5-star show, in the top 5% of shows worldwide- because of these amazing guests. So far in 2024, we’ve covered some rich topics and I would love for you to tune into one that piques your attention. We’re on all platforms, links are to Spotify.

<iframe style=”border-radius:12px” src=”https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/4ivmK9vefI5eDTNlH55bDm?utm_source=generator” width=”100%” height=”352″ frameBorder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” loading=”lazy”></iframe>

2024 Conversations:

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