body reconciliation

Body Reconciliation

Working on body reconciliation takes many forms: remembering yourself as nature, restoring the goddess to your cosmology, seeing the body as perfect and naturally arising, releasing programmed shame around perceived inadequacies or sexuality or body functions- and much more. For example, you’re not a thing! Don’t make yourself a product. Don’t brand yourself or lock yourself into an identity: we are processes in creation, changing and evolving…..thingifying or objectifying self or others just limits our aliveness, and stops us from being with what’s emerging in life. Another, and more tangible, way we are working on body reconciliation is bringing tender loving attention to the body- in words and touch. I chose to do this by making skincare formulas for our most intimate areas and moments…from vulva care to arousal serums to full body healing oils…to help restore the shamed parts or hidden parts to their rightful place in body care. This is me this morning, with Lisa, who carefully packs orders for @[17841408529420631:6057:@rosebudwoman] every day, in our brand new office and fulfillment center. Full-filled. We hope to send out more than just clean skin care, but a message of love and liberation, in every box. #intimatewellness #ٍsexualwellness #boporevolution #youarenature #womenled #womenover50 #growingabusiness #missiondriven #reverence

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